Monday, October 10, 2011

In This Lovely Little Village

Deckerville. Have you ever heard of it? Do you know where it is? Not very many people do. Well it's way out in the thumb of Michigan and it's very much full of farm land. I know of this place because someone I know lives out there. I used to give him so much grief about this little place because it was something so new to me. I'm used to street lights at almost every corner, busy traffic, fast food joints, and 7-Eleven's everywhere. Here in this lovely little village there is only one stop light, one McDonald's which is combined with a marathon gas station and loads of farm land. When you hear people say that the city lights ruin the stars at night, they're not kidding. I walked outside around 10:00PM and looked up to the most beautiful sky I had ever seen. I have fallen in love with this place. It's like a photographers dream (besides traveling the world). It's also a pretty short drive to Port Huron so you're not completely cut off from city civilization. I took a little over 200 pictures over the weekend and I'm very glad I did. My pictures are from various parts of Deckerville and a few that are a little more out of town.

There are so many more pictures but that would get pretty ridiculous to put them all in this single post. These few pictures pretty much sum up my weekend. We woke up early Sunday morning to watch the sunrise (last 2 pictures). This is what ended my wonderful weekend. Driving away from this beauty was torture and entering back into the city of Saginaw just wasn't the same.


  1. great pics love the one one with the old dock. the contrast of the open sky and the worn out piersis great. and my fiance loves it too asked if it was for sale the second she seen it.

  2. I still can't believe this pictures aren't done by a profesional..

  3. If your fiancé wants to buy prints I will gladly sell it to you. Lol. My aunt keeps telling me to sell my pictures. I just never thought that anyone would actually buy them.
