Monday, September 10, 2012

Yet Another Night

Well that's cool, I can post .gif's on blogger! Ya can't do that on Facebook. Well anywho, this is to the second nightly photo shoot. I would say this one was quite more successful. Of course, I had help with carrying equipment. These pictures were taken down by Liberty Harbor in Bay City. About a mile away from home. The .gif is an animation I made in photoshop. It is a loop of 3 images that were taken on Midland rd. where the bars are. So anyways, here are the rest of my best pictures.


Hmm... First blog since December. It's been awhile. How about a quick update on life!

To start off I no longer live in Saginaw with my parents. Which means no more long driveway and railroad tracks by my house. I now reside in Bay City. I have been trying to stay busy with my photography as much as possible, but I have also obtained a job at Sam's Club in Saginaw so I have not had as much time to take photos until just recently. The location of the apartment is pretty awesome. It's right in the middle of all the happenings in Bay City and it is very close to the river. Almost exactly a mile, which is perfect because I love walks. 

Enough about my life, back to the pictures! We have reverted back to the night shots because it takes a lot of teamwork and walking (most enjoyable). Some of them did not turn out as well as planned due to lack of street lighting but that's okay.

Extreme Lights

December 5

            I got to go back to Deckerville again and enjoy some of the snow that they got there. Unfortunately I forgot my beloved camera so I only have the privilege of describing how pretty it was and how agonizing it was to see how pretty everything was and not being able to take any pictures. On my way home however, I saw the most amazing Christmas lights. I left kind of late so of course it was pretty dark out. It is a good hour and a half drive home. I pass through a lot of other little farm towns and villages. One is called Richville, I am familiar with this one because one of my brothers friends grew up here. There are a few really tall silos there that I climbed once and was able to see the whole town and further. It consists of a gas station, farm land, houses, and Fritz Family Restaurant. It’s located on this funky looking four way stop when you pass thru the town. On my way back to Saginaw I looked left and I saw a house that is lit with so many Christmas lights that you could probably see it from a mile or more away. My boyfriend was with me and we decided to drive to the house to see it up close. There was a sign in front of the house telling you to tune into a specific radio station that plays Christmas music all day. So we did that and behold, the lights were synchronized to the Christmas music so you could sit in your car and watch the lights. It was like the 4th of July in December. I would encourage anybody to make the trip out there to see it for their own eyes. It is located off of M-46 and is well worth the drive.

New Snow

November 30
            HOLY SNOW! Well the inconvenient timing kind of sucked to drive home in after school but the result in the morning was so beautiful. I have been waiting for so long for it to finally show. Taking pictures of leaves on the ground was starting to get old. Now there is the good old white stuff weighing down the branches of the trees and completely covering the ground. The perfect sparkly untouched snow covering my front yard had me staring for the longest time. As I mentioned in a previous blog, I live in kind of a forest. I live off a main road but you can’t see the house from it. I guess you can just say I have a really long drive way. My random long drive way just happens to look really REALLY cool when we get heavy snow.

So this picture was worth the snow caving in over and into my boots but it was almost impossible for me to leave my own house because of how deep the snow was. I wish that the snow plow people would plow our drive way along with all the other side streets. I need a bigger vehicle I guess…

Open Doors

November 21

            On Friday I visited the Saginaw Career Complex again to help out my old Graphic Arts teacher. I must have decided to come on the perfect day because the students were doing more with their photography. It’s so wonderful to see what they see in photography and what kinds of things they like to take pictures of the most. I got to talk to them about working in the studio and how all the lights and camera settings work together. I felt like a photography teacher and I think it may have opened a new door for me in life. Maybe something I might want to end up perusing. I still am pretty undecided as to what I want to apply myself to in life, and do as a career for the rest of my life. I love photography and I love telling people about it but I don’t know if I really like teaching teenagers. So I would probably do it as a college professor or something along those lines. I guess I’m just scared that art and photography is going to be dead to the career world. Not dead in general just to the way economy works. Art is not a necessity but something for the senses to feast on like your eyes and your ears to art and music. If it gets bad enough who would pay an artist for something that they do not need? I wouldn’t if I was broke. It’s funny how my mind works but just seeing high school kids doing the same thing I was doing for the past two years at SCC just shot my mind straight into the future.

Spider Guy

November 14

            So I’m going to start off this blog with one of the most famous fears. Spiders! I woke up this morning to three of these furry little guys running around on my ceiling. I never was afraid of spiders; it just kind of confused me as to how three of them just happened to be on my ceiling at the same time. They were small but still too big to squish. I don’t really enjoy wiping off spider guts from my walls. I captured them in a glass so I could just release them back outside. I was still in my pj’s so I set them aside for awhile and covered the class with paper. I forgot about them for a long time until I sat down at my desk to get on my computer. There they were, staring right back at my through the glass on my desk. I looked back at them closely and saw how much detail is in them. So of course…I got out my camera. He was such a fuzzy little guy I actually got a lot more pictures than I posted. But in my opinion, this was the best picture I got. It shows the most detail in my little spider friend. After studying this picture for awhile I have concluded that this spider is adorable and does indeed, have a mustache.


November 6

            I finally realize the extent of my obsession with birds. Not only do I own five zebra finches, but I take a lot of photos of birds. I will stalk the same bird for over a half hour simply to catch a semi decent looking photo of it. Even my room is covered in birds. I painted them on over a year ago.

But now I have plenty of pictures to show off my obsession. I know it’s not that uncommon to have birds being a favorite animal but out of all the different kinds of birds to choose from the crow is my favorite. I think because they remind me of myself. A lot of people label them as a dumb ugly bird that just feeds off dead animals but they are actually pretty smart and if you actually watch them they are very pretty and majestic. Sure they may not be as colorful as other birds but they are big and pretty in my eyes.
            Surprisingly I don’t really have many pictures of crows because I don’t really see them as often as I see the large variety of finches that roam in my forest of a back yard.

Welcome Back.

Well after I was done with my English class a few semesters ago I kind of stopped blogging and I don't know why because I very much enjoyed it. So I have a lot of blogs to upload still from a long time ago that I typed up but never posted... So here we go!

October 24

            I have been testing out my Minolta and it is AWESOME! I feel like such a nerd to be interested in this kind of thing but I don’t care. The funny thing about this camera is that since it’s so old there is dust in the lens, so when I look through the view finder it looks as if I’m looking back in time. It looks like an old 60’s or 70’s film when it looks all grainy. By this little personal effect, I think it gives me a different outlook on my subjects when I focus the camera for a new picture.
            All my pictures show a good progression on how much better I get with using the camera. The only thing I lack is a scanner to get the photos onto the computer. It’s hard to share them without the internet these days. Who uses mail anyways? Bills… Out of convenience and cost I will probably end up using my Sony DSLR. I can easily upload my picture to the computer and I don’t have to spend money for rolls of film or pay for them to get developed.
            For me I guess it can just be a hobby of my hobby. It’s more of a challenge to operate so it makes it a little more fun to work with and I can get into developing my own film. Developing is a very interesting thing to be able to do but it’s something that has to be done with a lot of time to spare. So I guess it’s not always the perfect hobby for a full time student with a part time job.