Monday, September 10, 2012

Extreme Lights

December 5

            I got to go back to Deckerville again and enjoy some of the snow that they got there. Unfortunately I forgot my beloved camera so I only have the privilege of describing how pretty it was and how agonizing it was to see how pretty everything was and not being able to take any pictures. On my way home however, I saw the most amazing Christmas lights. I left kind of late so of course it was pretty dark out. It is a good hour and a half drive home. I pass through a lot of other little farm towns and villages. One is called Richville, I am familiar with this one because one of my brothers friends grew up here. There are a few really tall silos there that I climbed once and was able to see the whole town and further. It consists of a gas station, farm land, houses, and Fritz Family Restaurant. It’s located on this funky looking four way stop when you pass thru the town. On my way back to Saginaw I looked left and I saw a house that is lit with so many Christmas lights that you could probably see it from a mile or more away. My boyfriend was with me and we decided to drive to the house to see it up close. There was a sign in front of the house telling you to tune into a specific radio station that plays Christmas music all day. So we did that and behold, the lights were synchronized to the Christmas music so you could sit in your car and watch the lights. It was like the 4th of July in December. I would encourage anybody to make the trip out there to see it for their own eyes. It is located off of M-46 and is well worth the drive.

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