Monday, September 26, 2011


I've been pretty low on ideas lately for photography. All this weird crummy weather does not really make it easy. I'm also very timid with taking my camera out in the rain. So while sitting at home I was drawn back to stumble upon out of boredom. Ironically I kept getting photographers web pages and online portfolios. I stumbled upon one that looked really familiar to me, not because it took me to a facebook page, but because I've seen these pictures before. But where? I kept looking through the albums on his page of all of his great photography. Then I ran across a picture that I was in. It was one of those "oooh yea" moments. Me and some old friends of mine went to this young couples house because they were having an ice cream social. It was pretty random but my friend knows them because they are neighbors. The father of the family is a quite the artist and photographer. It took me a good amount of time to quickly sift through his pictures. There is so many.
If you're interested in looking through the pictures go to his facebook page. After creeping on his facebook for a bit I found his web page. It's called If you actually go to this web page and click on the Saginaw Happening button, it will take you to his blog. It goes through blogger, so if you enjoy his pictures as much as I did you can follow his blog. It's all about events that go on in Saginaw. He takes some pretty amazing pictures. He inspired me to at least try to take some pictures. So I just went outside (after the rain let up) and I got a few good pictures.


  1. Wow! Those are like pictures out of magazines or something. Amazing.

  2. (if this is posted twice...sorry. My browser crashed)
    Hi Karly,
    It is a high complement to know you were inspired by something I did. Here are a few thoughts about your photographs.
    Photo 1. I really like the infinite nature of this photograph. There is the large bunch of flowers, then each individual flower, and then individual petals on each flower. They all come togheter harmoniously. You might experiment with processing this in monochrome see what happens to the bright tones (i.e., the flowers) and the dark background tones.
    Photo 2: Excellent observation of shape in the leaves and the shape made by the leaves (i.e., negative space. Did you mean to cut off the leaf on the tip? I would have liked to have it in to maintain a congruency to the shape. Remember to pay attention to what is (and isn't) in your viewfinder.
    Photo 3: Perhaps my favorite. I love the texture and color you captured in the beetle. One thing you might think about is cropping it differently. I am not sure what that plant thing is above the beetle, but in my view it is competing a little from the subject.
    Keep up the good work!

  3. Thank you so much for the feedback! It really means a lot!

  4. Beautiful photos, what kind of camera do you have?

  5. Very nice pictures! What made you want to get into Photography?

  6. I have a sony a350 and it's just a hobby of mine. I got into it when I got my first digital camera when I was younger.
